1142 AD
August 31. In the area that lies between the modern day upstate New York and Pennsylvania, following the preaching of prophets Hiawatha e Deganawida, five great Indian tribes come together and give birth to the Iroquois Confederacy or League of the Five Nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga and Seneca). Almost six hundred years later the Five Nations become six, when the Tuscarora tribe joins the league.
“Whenever a specially important matter or a great emergency is presented before the Confederate Council and the nature of the matter affects the entire body of the Five Nations, threatening their utter ruin, then the Lords of the Confederacy must submit the matter to the decision of their people and the decision of the people shall affect the decision of the Confederate Council. This decision shall be a confirmation of the voice of the people. (Art. 93 of the Iroquois Constitution, Gayanashagowa or Great Law of Peace) |
January 17. Captain James Cook is the first European to cross the Antarctic Polar Circle.
July 21. Pope Clement XIV abolishes the Jesuits order. December 16. About fifty “Sons of Liberty”, disguised as Mohawk Indians, throw 342 crates of tea of the East India Company in the waters of Boston harbour. The raid is a protest against the Tea Act issued by the British Parliament in London, a law that restricts the commerce of tea in the American colonies. In Vienna, waltz is a huge success at dancing parties. |
February 22. The House of Lords decides that copyright must not last for the entire life of an author.
June 1. Boston harbour is closed until the colony doesn’t refund the East India Company for the tea thrown in the sea. August 1. Joseph Priestley discovers oxygen and names it “dephlogisticated air” September 5. The first Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia. Goethe publishes The Sorrows of Young Werther. German cobbler Johann Birkenstock produces the first pair of sandals. |
March 22. In the House of Commons, Edmund Burke delivers his speech in favour of a reconciliation with the American colonies.
April 19. In the battle of Lexington & Concord the "Americans" and the "British" exchange their first rifle shots. ![]() anituana begins May 10. Rebel Colonel Ethan Allen leads the Green Mountain Boys in the conquest of Fort Ticonderoga, the first British loss in the Revolution. June 17. On Breed's Hill, near Boston, takes place the famous battle of Bunker's Hill. November 7. Lord Dunmore promises freedom to all the black slaves that will join His Majesty army. November 12. General Washington forbids the recruitment of "Negroes". 3 November. General Montgomery American forces conquer Montréal. December 31. British troops repel the siege of Québec. W.A. Mozart, aged 19, composes Il Re Pastore, K. 208 (The Shepherd King). James Watt builds the first prototype of the steam machine. |